Content Marketing on a Small Budget
Many small businesses think of content marketing as something for the big-budgeted, larger companies that have more resources.
Today, some sort of content marketing program needs to be in the mix for every company. However small the budget or the willingness to share information about your business is, it’s important to find a strategy that works for your company in your market.
A content marketing program demonstrates that you are a lively, trustworthy company to people online and to the search engines alike. Blogs and social posts don’t need to lengthy either. In fact, for service-orientated companies, they should be concise and stick to your overall marketing strategy.
That strategy should be centered around demonstrating the solutions to the core problem your service provides to your prospective customers. For example, if your company has been around longer than your competitors and has a good reputation of service, a blog can be as simple as a series of on-going testimonials and case studies.
Content Marketing doesn’t need to be painful and expensive, but it does need to be in every company’s marketing mix that wants to succeed online.
Contact us at Big Step Marketing if you need help with strategy development and implementation of your internet marketing at 888-681-3433.